Parish Council

Acting in an advisory capacity to the Corporation, Parish Council meets once a month and consists of the clergy at the Cathedral, our Wardens, our Assistant Wardens, as well as general council members. Most members serve a two-year term. We elect or appoint members to Parish Council each year at the Cathedral's Annual General Meeting.

Council Members
Wendy Dezan
Mary Downing
Kami Wright
Gloria McCracken
Michael Dettner
Sam Ogali
Diane Ayer
Livingston Daniel Samraj
Brianna Kopp

Parish Corporation

Parish business and decision-making at the Cathedral is conducted by the Parish Corporation, which consists of the Dean, two Wardens, and their Assistant Wardens, who are all members of the Cathedral congregation. Wardens are appointed for two-year terms.

Wilson McCutchan

Rector’s Warden

Brianna Kopp

People's Warden

Michael Dettner

Assistant People's Warden

Diane Ayer

Assistant Rector’s Warden