
The tireless work of Cathedral members ensures that the church remains an open, welcoming, and vibrant place of worship.

Coffee Hour

The Coffee Hour Group provides hospitality following the 10:30 service on Sundays in the Church Hall. Coffee and refreshments are served after the 8:00 a.m. service in the Narthex. Coffee Hour provides an opportunity to welcome visitors and newcomers, as well as a time of fellowship for those who attend regularly.

Presently there is a six group rotation who host the Coffee Hour. The time commitment is one Sunday after church, every sixth week. Each team sets up in the Church Hall prior to the service. Clean up after Coffee Hour is usually finished by 12:30 -1:00 p.m.

Special Skills

Volunteers provide refreshments and serve the coffee, tea and juice provided by the Cathedral.

To take part in this important ministry, please contact the cathedral office.

Greeters and Sides Persons

The role of the Greeters and Sidespeople is to make the initial contact with visitors at services and special events, and to ensure they feel welcome at the Cathedral.  They assist at services by helping the wardens with the collection, and completing the “Numbers Present” sheet.

Time Commitment

Greeters and Sidespeople are on duty at the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist as well as at all other special services such as Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, Ordinations and Synods. They must arrive for duty at least 30 minutes before the start of a regular service. At special and large services, they need to be in place 1 hour before.

Special Skills

Greeters and Sidespeople need to have a good working knowledge of the Cathedral, and be able to answer questions regarding the week's services and activities. Greeters and Sidespeople are clear communicators and capable listeners.

To participate in this important ministry, please speak to the Dean or contact the cathedral office.