The Altar Guild carries out the various activities necessary to prepare the Cathedral for Special Services, regular Sunday services, Weddings, Baptisms, and services held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  It looks after the Altars, the linens, vestments, and the hangings, seeing to their cleaning and repair, making new ones when necessary.

This is a quiet, “behind-the-scenes" ministry for those who love to help create a sacred space for worship. One of the most satisfying parts of the work is the ongoing training. Through wonderful fellowship, we learn more about our Anglican traditions, better understanding worship and symbolism. The Altar Guild can play an active part in helping to share this understanding with the congregation as a whole.

Time Commitment

There are four teams, and each team is responsible for Altar Guild duties once every 4 weeks. For Christmas and Easter, the entire Guild gathers for a "big clean-up", and at Thanksgiving we decorate the Cathedral for Harvest.

Special Skills

An appreciation and understanding of the traditions of Anglican worship, and a willingness to work as a team member. On the job training is provided.

If you are interested in joining this hardworking group, please speak to Mary Downing, or Pat Glenn, or contact the Cathedral office.